nicknames  tia, tee, ti
date of birth + age  july 21, 1989 + 28 occupation  health & wellness adviser born  soho, manhattan residence  upper east side, manhattan family selena nevah (daughter 5/19/14),
silvia medina (mother),
antanios nagisim (father)
pets alabama & snowball residence  astierrisk status  looking at the sun

tierra lidia nagisim
tierra grew up in lower manhattan in awe of her surroundings. with the architecture, many art galleries, and boutiques in the area, she was quick to find her own means of dabbling in her own artistic nature. her own mother owning one of those little boutiques, little tia was found to play the part of a minor troublemaker. wanting to play fashionista before she understood anything about matching and colors, she was trying to pull clothing off racks and mix them all up for herself. strutting around in heels that were far too large for her. these things were to be expected from having a small child in a store, it was simply little tia's exuberance for life and outgoing nature that really pushed her mother's buttons for it. the clean up that would be required and the looks gained from some customers. the smile on tia's face over it all, it was difficult for her mother not to melt and really scold her for these things she knew better than to do. her only child allowed to wonder the store as tia's father was out working his own job at a radiologist's office.

there was nothing special about her grades, even as she grew older and moved through middle school to high school. only how her focus centered more and more into more specific areas of art and the tools she would use. her work at her mother's boutique would not be like it was when she was younger. a better salesperson that came shining through as she gave customers better ideas that worked for their figures. she brought a type of value to it all, and her parents were more proud of her there as she gained an understanding of time, money, and investment or seemed to.

college was an interesting time for her as she held her own freedoms. this came with the good and the bad. where she didn't take off and head somewhere distant for school, her parents being in the area, she never went to them for anything she needed or wanted. treating everything as separate as she could because she was a grown up now and this was how grown ups were supposed to act. picking up hobbies and using them to help make extra money to not end up eating nothing but ramen and hot dogs through it all did her some good. from small accessories to graphic design. even small apps that she went nowhere really but she is still quite proud of.

a few years later, she met someone she thought she connected with, but things didn't turn out as well as she thought. an unwanted pregnancy spawned into something else. having to actually deal with this person and she wasn't entirely sure if this was something she wanted to do. her parents were surprised once she found it in herself to admit what happened. only her own version anyway. she was so sure that she could handle everything on her own but he deserved to know. it was only fair, just as she had to with her parents. she held the hope of maybe it would make things better. that there was this little life in her that was a type of light. this level of positive thinking was something she held and actually progressed with her pregnancy until she had a tiny body in her arms.

two years later and selena nevah is really her everything. she balances out her work schedule and time with her daughter as best as she can. with family to be there to help, things are easier but selena is forever that one place that causes anxiety. wanting everything to be just right for her and to watch her grow and develop in the best ways.


friendly and amicable, Tierra is ready and willing to befriend anyone and everyone. her conversational skills ranges from the silly and child-like, to deep rambling conversations that she may not have noticed how she found herself in. attempting to keep the most positive outlook, she has a tendency to get lost in her own little world. one of competitive drives, stacks of comic books that she keeps hidden in her closet away from the scrutiny of others, footed pajamas, blanket forts, and loud sing-a-longs with her daughter as they reinact scenes from popular kids shows and films. she is well animanted and social where the occasion calls for it. rather than seek out attention, she tends to veer towards those outside of it, the wallflowers, the eccentrics, and the like, finding more freedom in the friendships she finds there. as the relater, she's always been a warm and caring individual that draws in others, playing the part of the helper/servant. due to her own insecurities that are battled off with regular optimism and hope, those of not being enough or deserving of certain things in life, she pours what she can onto others. to let them know that they are cared about, that they should have all of these things.

don't allow her size or stature to fool you, as she will use her whole 5'2" against you with a passion, whether for better or worse. tierra holds an isfp personality type. imaginative and curious, both of these, along with her own mouth tend to get her into unexpected predicaments. ones that she does not like to back down from even the silliest of challenges even if the odds are stacked high against her. accepting it as a learning experience, she believes she will come back better. if stressed, lost in her own thoughts, or otherwise having a difficult time, she pulls away from people for the sake of not putting these feelings upon them or trying to force through it with that usual optimism.


tierra is a 28 year old manhattan native who is a health adviser for nyc heath + hospitals. she does some graphic design work for extra funds and more as a hobby. most of it runs along the lines of fashion or apps nobody cares about. growing up an only child, she knows little about the other family styles or types outside of large extended family gatherings that came up on a regular basis. her imagination can end up with a mind of its very own as she rambles on and is all too happily chatty. friendly and personable with others where ever she can find the possibility for it. stubborn is a major trait here, but not immovable most of the time. there are times she can be annoyingly cheerful too, as there's this positivity about her to get through it all. so if you need a cheerleader, she's your girl. also, a little nerdy with the comic books, but all of that stays hidden in her closet. all of it from autographs, lithographs, actual comic books. above all, friendly and that person you just know is sliding down their hallway in socks or a full onesie and pulling a hairbrush serenade to a two year old on the regular. other interests include snowball fights in the winter, water balloons in the summer, nerf gun attacks, acting out and singing with her three year old daughter, food trucks, and cooking for the sake of continued stuffing of her own face. if she has to be an adult, it includes reading something more interesting than a medical journal.


★ committed to dance from the ages 5 to 9 and gymnastics from 10 to 14.
★ attempted cheerleading in high school. lost interest quickly.
★ has a great sense of humor and it is hard to really upset her, though when she does get angry, watch out. she might start throwing things and will start speaking other languages. usually and mostly spanish.
★ will willingly walk up to anyone and begin speaking to them as if she knows them. outgoing and talkative, with strong hopes of maintaining a positive outlook in people and life in general.
★ picky about her tea and coffee, but makes a point to have coffee and juice in the morning. tea and water is for the rest of the day.
★ owns a comic book collection that she keeps hidden in her closet. its worth is more than her savings account.
★ she is a tidy person. she has no issues with being dirty but likes things put back in just the right places. she doesn't gripe about others not doing that, but can be found fixing things where ever she goes, to straighten a picture, etc.
★ her middle name was given to her in honor of her maternal grandmother who died after a fatal heart attack, when tia was 6 years old.
★ a hugger and a foodie, but does try not to cross lines with people there.
inner side of her left foot & right hip (2 inches tall and in regards to her daughter, Selena).